National Security Act | What is The National security Act

National Security Act | What is The National security Act – Today we have brought a piece of new information for you which is related to National Security Act i.e.Rasuka Friends, as this time Corona Virus is seriously showing its impact in India to prevent this epidemic, i.e. Corona Virus in the country. Lock Down located. During all these incidents of attacks on Doctors, Nurse, Police, Safai Karamchari etc. and harassing them, Uttar Pradesh Government and Madhya Pradesh Government have registered some cases under this law. Let us now know in this article, what is the National Security Act (NSA), or Raska, when it imposed and what are the provisions of this punishment? So for complete information related to Raska, you should read this article carefully.


What is the National Security Act

If the Central or State Government feels that a person is obstructing them in running law and order or blocking the supply of essential services, then the person can be arrested by the concerned government. Is. The National Security Act came into force on 23 September 1980 during Indira Gandhi’s government. In Rasuka, the suspect can be jailed for up to 12 months without charge.


Provisions of National Security Act

The Act provides for the Central Government and the State Governments to punish a person for harming India’s security, injuring India’s relations with foreign countries, disrupting the maintenance or supply of public order, attacking a police officer on duty Gives the power to arrest. Recently there have been some arrests in this case in Madhya Pradesh.

Under the National Security Act, the officer concerned has the power to keep the suspect in captivity for five days without assigning any reason while in exceptional circumstances, this period can be up to 10 days. After that, it needs the permission of the state government.

Under the NSA, an arrested person can appeal to an advisory board set up by the government but does not have the right to seek the assistance of a lawyer during the trial.

This law also empowers the government to arrest or expel a foreigner to control his activity.

Recently, some people have booked under Rasuka for misbehaving with Doctors treating patients of Corona Virus in Ghaziabad and Delhi and for transferring their Corona infection to other healthy people by infected patients.


Imprisonment under the NSA

The National Security Act provides that the government can keep a suspect in jail for 12 months without any charge. But this period can be extended when the government founds new evidence.

If an officer arrests a suspect, he has to tell the state government the reason for this arrest. Until the state government approves this arrest, the maximum period of detention cannot exceed twelve days.

Keep in mind that arrest orders can be issued by the District Magistrate or Commissioner of Police under their respective jurisdiction.

Chandrashekhar Ravana, the founder of the Bhima Army, was also arrested under ‘Rasuka’ and kept in jail for a year but later released.


Criticism of the National Security Act

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) does not include cases under the NSA in its data because a minimal number of FIRs registered under this law.

Therefore, the exact amount of people arrested under the NSA is not known. Since even ruling, the suspect can be arrested without giving any reason, and it is not allowed to keep his lawyer for some time, so this law is also compared to the British Raulet Act.

According to many experts, the state government has also used the NSA as ‘Extra-Judicial Power’.

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