Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs For Competitive Exam

Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs For Competitive Exam:- Hello students आज हम आप के लिए Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs Question ले कर आये हैं जोकि आप के upcoming exam के लिए बेहद जरुरी हैं ||

Union Budget 2019

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दोस्तों Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs के question अधिकतर आप के UPSSSC Lekhpal Exam और UPSSSC Chakbandi Adhikari के exam में अक्सर पूछे जाते हैं

Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs

1. Tax exemption period on notional rent on unsold inventories extended to how many years from one year?

  1. 5 years
  2. 4 years
  3. 3 years
  4. 2 years

उत्तर देखें – 2 years

2. Businesses with an annual turnover of less than Rs. 5 crores will be allowed to file their returns _

  1. Monthly
  2. Quarterly
  3. Half Yearly
  4. Annually

उत्तर देखें – Quarterly

3. How many digital villages planned for the next five years?

  1. 1 lakh
  2. 2 lakh
  3. 3 lakh
  4. 5 lakh

उत्तर देखें- 1 lakh

4. What is the name of a new scheme announced for Farmers?

  1. Pradhan Mantri Kiran Samman Nidhi
  2. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nivas
  3. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
  4. Pradhan Mantri Kiran Saras Nidhi

उत्तर देखें- Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi

5. Farmers owning up to two hectares of land will get how much rupees per years as income support under the new scheme?

  1. 5000
  2. 6000
  3. 7500
  4. 9000

उत्तर देखें- 6000

6. How many rupees outlay for PradhanMantriKisanSammanNidhi Financial Year 2019-20?

  1. 25000 Croce
  2. 50000 Croce
  3. 75000 Croce
  4. 90000 Croce

उत्तर देखें- 75000 Croce

7. Name the new pension scheme launched in the budget?

  1. Pradhan Mantri Sharm Yogi Madha
  2. Pradhan Mantri Shiva Yogi Mandhan
  3. Pradhan Mantri Sharm Yojana Mandhan
  4. Pradhan Mantri Sharm Yogi Mandhan

उत्तर देखें- Pradhan Mantri Sharm Yogi Mandhan

8. Government to contribute how much percent amount under New Pension Scheme?

  1. 14%
  2. 12%
  3. 10%
  4. 8%

उत्तर देखें- 14%

9. Pradhan Mantri Sharm Yogi Mandhan scheme to ensure fixed monthly pension to how many unorganized sector workers?

  1. 5 Croce
  2. 8 Croce
  3. 10 Croce
  4. 12 Croce

उत्तर देखें- 10 Croce

Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs

10. Under the new pension scheme, how much rupees received per month after 60 years of age with an affordable contribution of only Rs 100/55 per month?

  1. 6000
  2. 5000
  3. 4000
  4. 3000

उत्तर देखें- 3000

11. How much percent interest relief for farmers pursuing animal husbandry and fisheries?

  1. 2%
  2. 3%
  3. 4%
  4. 5%

उत्तर देखें- 2%

12. Which of the following authority to be set up for sustainable genetic up-gradation of the cow resources?

  1. Rashtriya Karamchand Ayog
  2. Rashtra Kamdhenu Ayog
  3. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Ayog
  4. Rakshan Kamdhenu Ayog

उत्तर देखें- Rashtriya Kamdhenu Ayog

13. How much percent interest subsidy for MSMEs on an incremental loan of Rs. 1 crore for GST-registered entities?

  1. 2%
  2. 3%
  3. 4%
  4. 5%

उत्तर देखें- 2%

13. At least how much percent of the 25% sourcing of the government undertaking to be from women-owned SMEs?

  1. 5%
  2. 4%
  3. 3%
  4. 2%

उत्तर देखें- 3%

14. How much amount allocation for MGNREGA in 2019-20?

  1. Rs. 60000 crore
  2. Rs. 75000 crore
  3. Rs. 80000 crore
  4. Rs. 90000 crore

उत्तर देखें- Rs. 60000 crore

15. Fiscal deficit fixed at how much percent of GDP for 2019-20?

  1. 2.4%
  2. 2.9%
  3. 3.2%
  4. 3.4%

उत्तर देखें- 3.4%

16. Current Account Deficit fixed at how much percent of GDP for 2019-20?

  1. 2.2%
  2. 2.5%
  3. 2.9%
  4. 3.1%

उत्तर देखें- 2.5%

17. How amount estimated for Capital Expenditure for 2019-20?

  1. 330292 Crore
  2. 333292 Crore
  3. 336292 Crore
  4. 332292 Crore

उत्तर देखें- 332292 Crore

18. Exemptions from GST for small businesses increased from Rs. lakh to how amount?

  1. 25 Lakh
  2. 20 Lakh
  3. 35 Lakh
  4. 40 Lakh

उत्तर देखें- 40 Lakh

19. How many percentages of MUDRA Loan availed by Women?

  1. 50%
  2. 60%
  3. 60%
  4. 75%

उत्तर देखें- 60%

Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs question

20. Maternity leave extended to how many weeks from 12 weeks?

  1. 26 Weeks
  2. 20 Weeks
  3. 18 Weeks
  4. 15 Weeks

उत्तर देखें- 26 Weeks

21. The 4R approach has been implemented to ensure clean banking, which one of the following is not one of that?

  1. Recognition
  2. Resolution
  3. Recover
  4. Reforms

उत्तर देखें- Recover

22. How much percent assured MSP to all 22 crops?

  1. 30%
  2. 50%
  3. 60%
  4. 75%

उत्तर देखें- 50%

23. How much amount allotted for PradhanMantri Gram Sadak Yojana in 2019-20?

  1. Rs. 27000 Crore
  2. Rs. 23000 Crore
  3. Rs. 20000 Crore
  4. Rs. 19000 Crore

उत्तर देखें- Rs. 19000 Crore

24. How much amount allotted to Defence for 2019-20?

  1. 100000 crore
  2. 150000 crore
  3. 200000 crore
  4. 300000 crore

उत्तर देखें- 300000 crore

25. Three states came on India’s rail map for the first time, which of the following state is not one of them?

  1. Meghalaya
  2. Tripura
  3. Sikkim
  4. Mizoram

उत्तर देखें- Sikkim

26. Which of the following state came on the air map recently?

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Sikkim
  3. Haryana
  4. Arunachal Pradesh

उत्तर देखें- Arunachal Pradesh

27. How much amount allotted to SC, ST welfare for 2019-20?

  1. 74800 Crore
  2. 76800 Crore
  3. 77800 Crore
  4. 78800 Crore

उत्तर देखें- 76800 Crore

28. How much amount allotted to National Education Mission for 2019-20?

  1. 31572 Crore
  2. 33572 Crore
  3. 35572 Crore
  4. 38572 Crore

उत्तर देखें- 38572 Crore

29. How much amount allotted to Integrated Child Development Scheme for 2019-20?

  1. 22584 Crore
  2. 25584 Crore
  3. 27584 Crore
  4. 29584 Crore

उत्तर देखें- 27584 Crore

30. How much amount allotted to North East for 2019-20?

  1. 52116 Crore
  2. 54116 Crore
  3. 55116 Crore
  4. 58116 Crore

उत्तर देखें- 58116 Crore

दोस्तों Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs के बाकि के question आपको pdf में मिल जायेंगे ||

Union Budget 2019 Top 50 Most Important MCQs


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