September Current affairs 2019 Mahendra Maters In PDF Download

September Current Affairs PDF Download, September Current Affairs in PDF, Hello friends, today we have brought the current events of September as a PDF file for you. Which you can download to read through the download link given below.

September Current Affairs PDF

In this Monthly Current Affairs, you can read about the recently amended Constitution Amendment Sections 370 and 35 A. And you will also get to read about Chandrayaan-2, India’s space science mission. So, lest you should ask all these topics related to the exam and you are not able to solve them, therefore you need to read this current affairs books.

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Indian Space Research

On 9 May 1947, India conducted the first nuclear explosion in the Pokhran region of Rajasthan. On the other hand, India had released the first satellite called Aryabhata from Soviet soil for space research on 19 April 1995. On its success, the whole world accepted the glory of India’s space research. On 19 June 1981, India launched the first satellite from the land of France.

As a result of all these satellites, the importance of Indian space-related research was acknowledged in one voice in the world.

On 3 April 1984, the well-known Indian scientist Rakesh Sharma has reached the peak of India’s success by doing unprecedented research in space by going in a Russian spacecraft. On 29 April 1983, the Indian satellite space laboratory ‘Anuradha’, located on the US Suresh 303, has also made a special contribution in the field of space research.

This leads to a clear knowledge of the atmospheric energy of light. In this way, India is becoming particularly active in the field of space science. After the success of the lunar mission on 22 October 2008, the ISRO has accepted the entire world.

Chandrayaan-1 also got credit for the discovery of water on the moon, in the future ISRO is going to compete with all those elements.

Those who are making progress due to speaking of means. But India has a plethora of talent. On 15 February 2017 ISRO created history by having 104 satellites simultaneously. And more recently, our scientist has set a new mission for ISRO which is known as Mission Chadrayan-2.

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