DSSSB Fire Operator 2021 Previous Paper, Syllabus Details

DSSSB Fire Operator 2021 Online Form, Fire Operator Bharti 2021 – In this post today, we have brought the complete information about the recruitment of “DSSSB Fire Operator 2021” for you, what are the requirements for this recruitment. And who can apply it? So if you were preparing for this recruitment. So let me tell you that its recruitment has come. You can apply for it. And for complete recruitment information, you should read this article completely. In which we have given all the information related to it.

DSSSB Fire Operator Latest update 2021

दिल्ली अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन बोर्ड (DSSSB) ने फायर ऑपरेटर के रिक्त पदों की भर्ती के लिए एक रोजगार अधिसूचना जारी की है। वे उम्मीदवार जो रिक्ति विवरण में रुचि रखते हैं और सभी पात्रता मानदंडों को पूरा करते हैं वे अधिसूचना पढ़ सकते हैं और ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

DSSSB Fire Operator Recruitment 2021

Let us tell you that this recruitment has come out for 906 posts. Yes, you will get 906 posts in this, which is enough to recruit one. We have given more information about it. Which you should read carefully. And we have given its previous paper in this article too. Which you are very important for this recruitment. And we have given its exam pattern in it too.

Important Dates

  • Application Begin : 07/10/2019
  • Last Date for Apply Online : 06/11/2019
  • Pay Exam Fee Last Date: 06/11/2019
  • Exam Date : Notified Soon
  • Admit Card Available : Notified Soon
Vacancy Details Total : 709 Post
Post NameCodeTotal PostEligibility
Fire Operator(Department Name : Delhi Fire Service)18/19706•Only for Male Candidates.•Class 10 High School Exam in Any Recognized Board in India.

•Driving License for Heavy Vehicle HMV

•Age Limit : Maximum 27 Years.

•Height : 165 CMS

•Chest : 81-86.5 CMS

•Long Jump : 2.80 Meter

•High Jump : 0.80 Meter

•800 Meter Run in 200 Second.

  1. For male candidates in this
  2. Class 10 High School is a recognized college.
  3. And for this recruitment Maximum 27 Years.
  4. And for this recruitment you must have the Height 165 CMS.
  5. And Chest should be 81-86.5 cms ie 81 in Normal and 86.6 on Flowers.
  6. And Long Jump 2.80 Meter.
  7. And High Jump 0.80 Meter.
  8. And there will be 800 meter race, which you have to complete in 200 seconds.

Application Fees

And in this, let us tell you how much money will be required for this recruitment application. In this, General and OBC Candidate will have to pay 100 rupees fees and there are no fees of SC / ST / PH. That is, for free, and you can pay its fees through Debit Card / Net Banking / Credit Card.

  • General / OBC : 100/-
  • SC / ST / PH : 0/-
  • All Category Female : 0/-
  • Pay the Fees Through Debit Card / Net Banking / Credit Card Mode Only.

DSSSB Fire Operator Admit Card

And no date of Admit Card for this recruitment has come yet. But as soon as its date will come, we will update it in this post. Which you will see, but you must apply for it. Because this recruitment is very important. You only think that we need only one post, do not think that the posts are short.

Total Vacancy : 706 Post
Post CodePost NameGeneralOBCEWSSCSTTotal Post
18/19Fire Operator1901152130971706
Physical Eligibility Details
HeightWeightChestEye SightLong JumpHigh JumpRunning
165 CM50 KG81-86.56/62.80 Meter0.80 Meter800 Meter in 3 Min. 20 Sec

DSSSC Fire Operator Syllabus 2019

We have brought this recruitment to Syllabus for you. Which you must read. Because for this you will need a lot of Syllabus. So read the complete Syllabus. In this way, you will know which type of questions will be asked in this examination. And it will only benefit you.

(i) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment around him/her and its application to society. The questions will be designed to test knowledge of Current Events and of such matter of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to History, Polity, Constitution, Sports, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics,

(ii) General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability: The syllabus of General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.

(iii) Arithmetical & Numerical Ability : The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Abilities will cover Number Systems including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Data Interpretation, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs etc.

(iv) Hindi Language & Comprehension and English Language & Comprehension: In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding and comprehension of the English and Hindi Languages, questions on its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be covered.

DSSSB Fire Operator Paper

And you should download the previous paper. Which will help you a lot. Yes, those who give the exam for the first time, they do not know what the paper is like. In this, you will get a lot of information about how the questions are asked in the paper. So you can easily download this paper by clicking on the Download button below.


So friends, here is the complete information of our DSSSB Fire Operator Bharti 2019, I hope you will like this information very much if you want some more information related to this or any other information, then the information through the comment box given below Can give We will definitely help you, and will bring that information. So thanks a lot for reading the article.

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