Delhi Police Constable Physical Test Complete Details

Have you applied for any Police Constable recruitment, then you will know that for this recruitment exam, you can get complete information here in “Delhi Police Physical Test” How does it happen and Delhi Police Physical Test , whether Whichever area you have applied from, but here you will tell you in detail about the physical examination of all the state’s recruitment’s in English language, then read all the information given below carefully.

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Delhi Police Physical Test

Right now notification has been issued for Police Constable recruitment in many states, and thousands of posts are vacant in all, below, you can see that from which states, how many posts have been recently issued for recruitment. Has been given, and how much Upcoming Police recruitment is going to come.

Delhi Police Physical Test

Some rules have been made for the physical test in police recruitment, but there are changes in those rules in any state, such as you can see below, which are the main points of Police Constable recruitment Physical Test, who all these recruitment tests I have been given the main form. And why this test is done, then it is very important for the candidates applying for each police recruitment exam to read it.

  1. This test has been made so that the physical endurance of the candidate can be tested.
  2. Will he be able to give police duty or not.
  3. How many odd circumstances have to pay duty, you must see all the delis.
  4. Duty time is also very long.
  5. This test has to be passed only.
    There is no merit.

Delhi Police Height Physical Test

In this topic, all the candidates should apply to the candidates / male / female only if they are fit in the physical criteria given below, otherwise due to the slight deficiency in the Physical Test, it is immediately failed, please read the topic below.

Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
•Minimum height: 168 cm for GENERAL / OBC / SC.

•ST Candidates 160 cm.

•Minimum height: 152 cm for GENERAL / OBC / SC.

•ST Candidates 147 cm.

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Delhi Police Chest Physical Test

There are also rules for Chest Chest and Chest Inflammation for Male and Female Candidates for Police Recruitment in the state, it is necessary that if the chest of the candidates is less than the given CM, or if the puffiness is less then that candidates The body is not considered healthy.

Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
  • 79-84 cm for General / OBC / SC and at least 5 CM bloating.
  • 77–82 cm for ST candidates and at least 5 cm of swelling.
  • There is no rule for women in this, that is, she will pass in this test.


Delhi Police Weight Physical Test

This topic requires male / female candidates to be of an average weight, as overweight individuals may not be fit for the police, and below-average candidates also have an important role in weight in police recruitment, that candidates Weight must be according to the given standard, you can read down, how much weight is necessary.

Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
•General / OBC / SC / ST Category Candidates 40 Kg. must-have.•There is no rule for women in this, that is, she will pass in this test.


DELHI Police Constable Physical Test Important Point

In this topic, we will tell you what is the main before going to this recruitment, if you do not know these rules in Police recruitment Physical Test, then you will not be considered a pass for the exam, the main of Physical Test in All States Police recruitment If the form is, then read the main topic given below carefully.

  • There is a provision for 3-3 chances to pass Long jump and High jump.
  • Candidates will have to produce relevant category certificates at the time of the Physical Test to get the relaxation in length and chest.
  • No appeal is accepted for failure in Race, Long Jump, and High Jump, whereas in the case of Height and Chest measurement, only one day can be appealed.
  • The use of drugs during this test can disqualify the candidate.

Delhi Police Race Details

In this topic, you will tell about the race in the police recruitment examination, how many KM. In this race, different rules of Male & Female Candidates have been made below.

Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
  • The 4.8 km race is to be completed in 25 minutes.
  • Marks are done according to the time when the race is completed in 25 minutes or less.
  • There is also a provision of exemption for ex-Servicemen / Sahariya and TSP area SC / ST candidates.
  • The 2.4 km race is to be completed in 14 minutes.
  • Marks are done according to the time when the race is completed in 14 minutes or less.
  • There is also a provision of exemption for ex-Servicemen / Sahariya and TSP area SC / ST candidates.

So how did you know about our up police physical test, tell us about it in police physical test in English and if you need any kind of information related to this recruitment exam, then you can ask your question through the comment below.

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