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17 Best Chemistry Formula Trick in Hindi

Chemical names and formulas of chemical substances

  • Q.1. The chemical name of Common salt? What is the chemical name of Common Salt? Ans Sodium Chloride – Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
  • Q.2. The chemical name of Edible Soda? What is the chemical name of Edible Soda?  Ans Sodium Bicarbonate – Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
  • Q.3. The chemical name of Washing Soda? What is the chemical name of Washing Soda? Ans Sodium Carbonate – Sodium Carbonate (Na2Co3. 10H2O)
  • Q.4. The chemical name of Caustic Soda? What is the chemical name for Caustic Soda?  Ans Sodium Hydroxide – Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
  • Q.5. The chemical name of Marble? What is the chemical name of Marble? Ans Calcium Carbonate – Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
  • Q 6 The chemical name of Laughing Gas? What is the chemical name of Laughing Gas? Ans Nitrous Oxide – Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
  • Q 7. The chemical name of Bleaching Powder? What is the chemical name of Bleaching Powder? Ans Calcium hypochlorite – Calcium Hypochlorite (Ca (CIO) 2)
  • Q 8. The chemical name of Plaster of Paris? What is the chemical name of Plaster of Paris? Ans Calcium Sulphate Half Hydrated – Calcium Sulphate Half Hydrate (CaSo4) 2 H2O)
  • Q 9 The chemical name of Gypsum? What is the chemical name of Gypsum? Ans Calcium Sulphate – Calcium Sulphate (CaSo4. 2H2O)
  • Q 10. The chemical name of Dry Ice? What is the chemical name for dry ice? Ans Solid Carbon Dioxide – Dry Carbon Dioxide – (CO2)
  • Q 11 The chemical name of Alum? What is the chemical name of Alum? Ans Potassium Aluminum Sulfate (K2SO4Al2 (SO4) 3 24H2O)
  • Q 12 The chemical name of Chile Saltpetre? What is the chemical name of Chile Saltpetre? Ans Sodium Nitrate – Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3)
  • Q 13. The chemical name of Borax? What is the chemical name of icing? Ans Borax – Borax (Na2B4O7. 10H2O)
  • Q 14. The chemical name of Blue Vitriol? What is the chemical name of Blue Vitriol or Tutia? Ans Copper Sulphate – Copper Sulphate (CuSO4. 7H2O)
  • Q 15. The chemical name of White Vitriol? What is the chemical name of White Vitriol? Ans Zinc Sulphate – Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4)
  • Q 16 albumin: a protein that is in the white part of an egg, in milk, and in blood plasma Albumin is a protein in the white part of an egg, in milk, and in blood plasma.
  • Q 17 butterfat (butter): the fat in milk noun milk fat

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5 Chemistry Formula Trick Detail Guide

नीचे आप सभी को कुछ chemistry chemical के बारे कुछ बहुत ही रोचक तथ्य दिए जा रहे है जो की बहुत ही रोचक व महत्वपूर्ण है. आपको इसे जरूर जानना चाहिए.


What does the code on a plastic bottle mean?

Have you ever noticed that there is a code at the bottom of the plastic bottle or container which has different numbers like 1, 2, etc? Do you know what this code means, how long a material made of plastic should be used, what kind of plastic material should be used, etc? Let’s study through this article.


Nowadays plastic is being used everywhere. In particular, the use and reuse of plastic bottles to store water is quite common in Indian families. One or 2 liter Pepsi, Coke, Limca bottles are used for months as well as mineral water bottles. But do you know how long you can actually use these plastic bottles? What is the safe period to keep water or other food items in these bottles? Let us study through this article.

What is the Resin Identification Code, RIC code?

Have you ever noticed that in a plastic bottle some triangle is formed at the bottom and some number is written on it, which we also call code? Why so? What do these numbers mean, why are they written? Let’s see

Whenever you buy or use anything made of plastic, you must have noticed that in all of them, whether it appears on the plastic box, container, bucket, bottle, etc., a number surrounded by a triangle. This is called the Resin Identification Code, RIC. Mostly it is below the bottle or box. Sometimes this code is also made elsewhere in the same plastic. Let us tell you that resin means the resin or material from which plastic is made. That is, plastic can be made from many types of substances or resins and its identification code means an indication to identify. This code provides information about the quality of the bottle and how to use it.

The code was originally introduced by the Society of the Plastics Industry which is the third-largest manufacturing sector in the United States, RIC is now officially being administered by ASTM International, an international standards organization.

Let us tell you that some toxic or toxic chemicals are used to make plastic bottles. These chemicals are not used uniformly. Therefore, a code is given on the bottle so that it can be detected by using the bottle.

The number of codes for different types of plastic varies from 1 to 7.

This code provides information about which hazardous resin or hazardous plastic is. Total codes are given from 1 to 7. At the same time, code 1 to 6 confirms a specific ‘plastic polymer’, and code 7 is a general category in which all types of plastics are available, which do not fall from 1 to 6.

By understanding the uses and limitations of each type of plastic, you can stay away from unhealthy and harmful plastics which can cause serious damage in the long run.

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Code 1: Represents PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate).

This is the most common type of plastic you use as average beverage bottles, such as cold drink bottles, jars, oven-trays, detergents, and cleaner containers. Apart from this, this ‘plastic polymer’ is also used for finishing liquid crystal displays, guitars, pianos, etc. PET is porous, has a tendency to collect bacteria and residual materials, which means that prolonged use of this plastic can be harmful. If any liquid is kept in these containers for a long time, then a substance called antimony starts leaking. It leaks more when these containers are kept in a warm or closed place.

PET is considered a relatively safe ‘single-use or ‘use and throws’ plastic and its leakage can prove to be dangerous, so use it only once and keep it away from the hot spot.

Code 2: Represents HDPE or high-density polyethylene.

This means that the dishes are made of high-density polyethylene. This polyethylene is the most commonly used ‘plastic polymer’ as it is easy to make and is also very inexpensive such as making plastic bags (grocery), milk, water, and juice containers, etc. It can also be used to store as they carry less risk of leaching and can usually be recycled. Some studies have shown that this plastic can secrete hormonal problem-causing substances such as oxprenolol, especially in sunlight.

Code 3: represents PVC or polyvinyl chloride.

This plastic is made of polyvinyl chloride. Most of us are quite familiar with PVC pipes that are used for plumbing and other such purposes. PVC is very tough and rough, it is considered extremely dangerous to cook or store food items. Despite being dangerous, it is being used in toys, shampoo bottles, mouth wash bottles, detergent and cleaner bottles, blood bottles, window frames, etc. Let us tell you that phthalates used to produce this plastic can stop hormonal growth and cause other serious problems.

Code 4: Represents LDPE or low-density polyethylene.

These are products made of low-density polyethylene. This type of plastic is commonly used for the manufacture of the packaging of various films, packages, food, and pharmaceutical products. The chemical composition of LDPE helps to make them more flexible and thinner.

Which gas is called dry ice and why?

Dry ice is solidly carbon dioxide. It was followed in 1835 by the French inventor Adrian-Jean-Pierre Thilorier. This is the gas that we expel during breathing and plants use in photosynthesis. In this article, we will study in detail dry ice gas.

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide (CO2) and is called dry ice because when these gases solidify, they appear like ice. It is mainly used as a cooling agent and is a common part of our Earth’s atmosphere. Dry ice or dry ice was first followed in 1835 by the French inventor Adrien-Jean-Pierre Thilorier.

This is the gas that we expel during breathing and plants use in photosynthesis. It is a gas commonly added to water to make soda water. This gas is often used in industrial processes and during recycling to make dry ice.

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Dry ice is particularly useful for freezing, and keeps things frozen due to cold temperatures: -109.3 ° F or -78.5 ° C. Dry ice is widely used because it dries quickly and is also easy to use with insulated gloves. Dry ice is directly converted from solid to gas without changing into the dissolved fluid under normal atmospheric conditions. This process is called sublimation.

Do you know that dry ice is not stored in the freezer because by keeping it, the thermostat of the freezer will shut the freezer due to excessive cooling and it can also break the freezer?
What is the use of dry ice?
– Using non-cyclic refrigeration, dry ice preserves foods.
– It is also often used to pack items as these items must be cooled or frozen without the use of mechanical cooling, such as ice cream or biological samples, etc.

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– Dry ice can be used to prevent insect activity in closed containers of cereals and cereal products, as it displaces oxygen, but does not alter the taste or quality of foods. For this reason, it also prevents edible oils and fats from becoming rancid.
– When dry ice is placed in water, the process of sublimation is accelerated, and fogs start to form like low-sinking dense clouds. It is used in cinemas in fog machines, haunted house attractions, and nightclubs for dramatic effects.

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– Dry ice can also be used to kill mosquitoes, bedbugs, and other insects due to the attraction of carbon dioxide.
Dry-ice blasting, a form of carbon dioxide cleaning, is used in many industrial applications. It is also useful in cutting liquids.
– “Dry ice bomb” is a balloon-like device, which is also used to seal containers.

  • Why does it burst with a loud sound when the balloon is pierced?
  • What protection should be taken while using dry ice?

Frostbite and skin damage can also result in prolonged use of dry ice. Even in the production of fog, safety must be exercised as it emits large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, which can pose a risk of hypercapnia. Therefore, dry ice should be used only in a well-ventilated environment or in any open space where the air is present in abundance. For this reason, dry ice is referred to as S-phase S9 in terms of laboratory safety.


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